Connecting Veterans to Careers in the Outdoors

The Center for Veteran Employment in the Outdoors (CVEO) exists to guide service members and veterans in their transition from a military career to a career in one of the many outdoor fields (recreation, conservation, outfitting, guiding, retail, and more).

The CVEO will be a resource for both job seeking veterans and employers. In this initial launch, we are seeking employers who believe in the CVEO mission. Job seekers-stay tuned! 

The Center for Veteran Employment in the Outdoors will provide:

Access to EmployeeS

Provide access to potential employees for public agencies and private companies in the outdoor adventure/outdoor recreation fields who hire veterans.

Connections to Education

Provide information for 128 universities, colleges, and community colleges offering degrees, minors, or certifications that often lead to employment in the outdoor adventure/outdoor recreation fields.

Information for Certifications

Provide information for organizations that provide professional certifications often needed to gain employment in the outdoor adventure/outdoor recreation fields.

Support for Benefits

Identify how veteran benefits may be applied to education and training, leading to employment in the outdoor fields.

Important Statistics

We are Looking to Grow the Coalition

We are looking to grow the coalition of employers and veterans alike. This is no cost to join.Will you consider joining the coalition today? 

Reasons to Join the Coalition


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